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Command line interface (CLI) user guide

This page contains guidelines on using the ReadAlongs CLI. See also Command line interface (CLI) reference for the full CLI reference.

The ReadAlongs CLI has two main commands: readalongs make-xml and readalongs align.

  • If your data is a plain text file, you can run make-xml to turn it into ReadAlongs XML, which you can then align with align. Doing this in two steps allows you to modify the XML file before aligning it (e.g., to mark that some text is in a different language, to flag some do-not-align text, or to drop anchors in).
  • Alternatively, if your plain text file does not need to be modified, you can run align directly on it, since it also accepts plain text input. You'll need the -l <language(s)> option to indicate what language your text is in.

Two additional commands are sometimes useful: readalongs tokenize and readalongs g2p.

  • tokenize takes the output of make-xml and tokenizes it, wrapping each word in the text in a <w> element.
  • g2p takes the output of tokenize and mapping each word to its phonetic transcription using the g2p library. The phonetic transcription is represented using the ARPABET phonetic codes and are added in the ARPABET attribute to each <w> element.

The result of tokenize or g2p can be fixed manually if necessary and then used as input to align.

Getting from TXT to XML with readalongs make-xml

Run readalongs make-xml to make the ReadAlongs XML file for align from a TXT file.

readalongs make-xml [options] [story.txt] [story.readalong]

[story.txt]: path to the plain text input file (TXT)

[story.readalong]: Path to the XML output file

The plain text file must be plain text encoded in UTF-8 with one sentence per line. Paragraph breaks are marked by a blank line, and page breaks are marked by two blank lines.

Key Options Option descriptions
-l, --language(s) (required) The language code for story.txt. Specifying multiple comma- or colon-separated languages triggers the g2p cascade.
-f, --force-overwrite Force overwrite output files (handy if you're troubleshooting and will be aligning repeatedly)
-h, --help Displays CLI guide for make-xml

The -l, --language argument requires a language’s 3 character ISO code as an argument.

The languages supported by RAS can be listed by running readalongs make-xml -h and they can also be found in the readalongs make-xml reference.

So, a full command for a story in Algonquin, with an implicit g2p fallback to Undetermined, would be something like:

readalongs make-xml -l alq Studio/story.txt Studio/story.readalong

The generated XML will be parsed in to sentences. At this stage you can edit the XML to have any modifications, such as adding do-not-align as an attribute of any element in your XML.

The format of the generated XML is based on TEI Lite but is considerably simplified. The DTD (document type definition) can be found in the ReadAlong Studio source code under readalongs/static/read-along-1.2.dtd.


Handling mismatches: do-not-align

There are two types of "do-not-align" (DNA) content: DNA audio and DNA text.

To use DNA text, add do-not-align as an attribute to any element in the xml (word, sentence, paragraph, or page).

<w do-not-align="true" id="t0b0d0p0s0w0">dog</w>

If you have already run readalongs make-xml, there will be documentation for DNA text in comments at the beginning of the generated xml file.

<!-- To exclude any element from alignment, add the do-not-align="true" attribute to
     it, e.g., <p do-not-align="true">...</p>, or
     <s>Some text <foo do-not-align="true">do not align this</foo> more text</s> -->

To use DNA audio, you can specify a timeframe in milliseconds in the config.json file which you want the aligner to ignore.

    "method": "remove",
            "begin": 1,
            "end": 17000

Use cases for DNA

  • Spoken introduction in the audio file that has no accompanying text (DNA audio)
  • Text that has no matching audio, such as credits/acknowledgments (DNA text)

Aligning your text and audio with readalongs align

Run readalongs align to align a text file (RAS or TXT) and an audio file to create a time-aligned audiobook.

readalongs align [options] [story.txt/xml] [story.mp3/wav] [output_base]

[story.txt/ras]: path to the text file (TXT or RAS)

[story.mp3/wav]: path to the audio file (MP3, WAV or any format supported by ffmpeg)

[output_base]: path to the directory where the output files will be created, as output_base*

Key Options Option descriptions
-l, --language(s) The language code for story.txt. Specifying multiple comma- or colon-separated languages triggers the g2p cascade. (required if input is plain text)
-c, --config PATH Use ReadAlong-Studio configuration file (in JSON format)
--debug-g2p Display verbose g2p debugging messages
-s, --save-temps Save intermediate stages of processing and temporary files (dictionary, FSG, tokenization, etc.)
-f, --force-overwrite Force overwrite output files (handy if you’re troubleshooting and will be aligning repeatedly)
-h, --help Displays CLI guide for align

See above for more information on the -l, --language argument.

A full command could be something like:

readalongs align -f -c config.json story.readalong story.mp3 story-aligned

Is the text file plain text or XML?

readalongs align accepts its text input as a plain text file or a ReadAlongs XML file.

  • If the file name ends with .txt, it will be read as plain text.
  • If the file name ends with .xml or .readalong, it will be read as ReadAlongs XML.
  • With other extensions, the beginning of the file is examined to automatically determine if it's XML or plain text.

Supported languages

The readalongs langs command can be used to list all supported languages.

Here is that list at the time of compiling this documentation:

.. command-output:: readalongs langs

See Adding a new language to g2p for references on adding new languages to that list.

Adding titles, images and do-not-align segments via the config.json file

Some additional parameters can be specified via a config file: create a JSON file called config.json, possibly in the same folder as your other ReadAlong input files for convenience. The config file currently accepts a few components: adding titles and headers, adding images to your ReadAlongs, and DNA audio (see {ref}dna).

To add a title and headers to the output HTML, you can use the keys "title", "header", and "subheader", for example:

  "title": "My awesome read-along",
  "header": "A story in my language",
  "subheader": "Read by me"

To add images, indicate the page number as the key, and the name of the image file as the value, as an entry in the "images" dictionary.

{ "images": { "0": "p1.jpg", "1": "p2.jpg" } }

Both images and DNA audio can be specified in the same config file, such as in the example below:

            "0": "image-for-page1.jpg",
            "1": "image-for-page1.jpg",
            "2": "image-for-page2.jpg",
            "3": "image-for-page3.jpg"

        "method": "remove",
                {   "begin": 1,     "end": 17000   },
                {   "begin": 57456, "end": 68000   }

Warning: mind your commas! The JSON format is very picky: commas separate elements in a list or dictionnary, but if you accidentally have a comma after the last element (e.g., by cutting and pasting whole lines), you will get a syntax error.

The g2p cascade

Sometimes the g2p conversion of the input text will not succeed, for various reasons. A word might use characters not recognized by the g2p mapping for the language, or it might be in a different language. Whatever the reason, the output for the g2p conversion will not be valid ARPABET, and so the system will not be able to proceed to alignment by the aligner, SoundSwallower.

If you know the language for that text, you can mark it as such in the XML. E.g.:

<s xml:lang="eng">This sentence is in English.</s>

The xml:lang attribute can be added to any element in the XML structure and will apply to text at any depth within that element, unless the attribute is specified again at a deeper level, e.g.:

<s xml:lang="eng">English mixed with <foo xml:lang="fra">français</foo>.</s>

There is also a simpler option available: the g2p cascade. When the g2p cascade is enabled, the g2p mapping will be done by first trying the language specified by the xml:lang attribute in the XML file (or with the first language provided to the -l flag on the command line, if the input is plain text). For each word where the result is not valid ARPABET, the g2p mapping will be attempted again with each of the languages specified in the g2p cascade, in order, until a valid ARPABET conversion is obtained. If no valid conversion is possible, are error message is printed and alignment is not attempted.

To enable the g2p cascade, provide multiple languages via the -l switch (for plain text input) or add the fallback-langs="l2,l3,... attribute to any element in the XML file:

<s xml:lang="eng" fallback-langs="fra,und">English mixed with français.</s>

These command line examples will set the language to fra, with the g2p cascade falling back to eng and then und (see below) when needed.

readalongs make-xml -l fra,eng myfile.txt myfile.readalong
readalongs align -l fra,eng myfile.txt myfile.wav output-dir

The "Undetermined" language code: und

Notice how the sample XML snippet above has und as the last language in the cascade. und, for Undetermined, is a special language mapping that uses the definition of all characters in all alphabets that are part of the Unicode standard, and maps them as if the name of that character was how it is pronounced. While crude, this mapping works surprisingly well for the purposes of forced alignment, and allows readalongs align to successfully align most text with a few foreign words without any manual intervention.

Since we recommend systematically using und at the end of the cascade, it is now added by default after the languages specified with the -l switch to both readalongs align and readalongs make-xml. Note that adding other languages after und will have no effect, since the Undetermined mapping will map any string to valid ARPABET.

In the unlikely event that you want to disable adding und, add the hidden --lang-no-append-und switch, or delete und from the fallback-langs attribute in your XML input.

Debugging g2p mapping issues

The warning messages issued by readalongs g2p and readalongs align indicate which words are causing g2p problems and what fallbacks were tried. It can be worth inspecting to input text to fix any encoding or spelling errors highlighted by these warnings. More detailed messages can be produced by adding the --debug-g2p switch, to obtain a lot more information about g2p'ing words in each language g2p was unsucessfully attempted.

Breaking up the pipeline

Some commands were added to the CLI in the last year to break processing up step by step.

The following series of commands:

readalongs make-xml -l l1,l2 file.txt file.readalong
readalongs tokenize file.readalong file.tokenized.readalong
readalongs g2p file.tokenized.readalong file.g2p.readalong
readalongs align file.g2p.readalong file.wav output

is equivalent to the single command:

readalongs align -l l1,l2 file.txt file.wav output

except that when running the pipeline as four separate commands, you can edit the XML files between each step to make manual adjustments and corrections if you want, like inserting anchors, silences, changing the language for indivual elements, or even manually editting the ARPABET encoding for some words.

Anchors: marking known alignment points

Long audio/text file pairs can sometimes be difficult to align correctly, because the aligner might get lost part way through the alignment process. Anchors can be used to tell the aligner about known correspondance points between the text and the audio stream.

Anchor syntax

Anchors are inserted in the XML file (the output of readalongs make-xml, readalongs tokenize or readalongs g2p) using the following syntax: <anchor time="3.42s"/> or <anchor time="3420ms"/>. The time can be specified in seconds (this is the default) or milliseconds.

Anchors can be placed anywhere in the XML file: between/before/after any element or text.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<read-along version="1.0"> <text xml:lang="eng"> <body>
    <anchor time="143ms"/>
    <div type="page">
        <anchor time="1.62s"/>
        <s>This is <anchor time="3.81s"/> <anchor time="3.94s"/> a test</s>
        <s><anchor time="4123ms"/>weirdword<anchor time="4789ms"/></s>
    <anchor time="6.74s"/>
</body> </text> </read-along>

Anchor semantics

When anchors are used, the alignment task is divided at each anchor, creating a series of segments that are aligned independently from one another. When alignment is performed, the aligner sees only the audio and the text from the segment being processed, and the results are joined together afterwards.

The beginning and end of files are implicit anchors: n anchors define n+1 segments: from the beginning of the audio and text to the first anchor, between pairs of anchors, and from the last anchor to the end of the audio and text.

Special cases equivalent to do-not-align audio:

  • If an anchor occurs before the first word in the text, the audio up to that anchor’s timestamps is excluded from alignment.
  • If an anchor occurs after the last word, the end of the audio is excluded from alignment.
  • If two anchors occur one after the other, the time span between them in the audio is excluded from alignment.

Using anchors to define do-not-align audio segments is effectively the same as marking them as "do-not-align" in the config.json file, except that DNA segments declared using anchors have a known alignment with respect to the text, while the position of DNA segments declared in the config file are inferred by the aligner.

Anchor use cases

  1. Alignment fails because the stream is too long or too difficult to align.

When alignment fails, listen to the audio stream and try to identify where some words you can pick up start or end. Even if you don’t understand the language, there might be some words you’re able to pick up and use as anchors to help the aligner.

  1. You already know where some words/sentences/paragraphs start or end, because the data came with some partial alignment information. For example, the data might come from an ELAN file with sentence alignments.

These known timestamps can be converted to anchors.

Silences: inserting pause-like silences

There are times where you might want a read-along to pause at a particular place for a specific time and resume again after. This can be accomplished by inserting silences in your audio stream. You can do it manually by editing your audio file ahead of time, but you can also have readalongs align insert the silences for you.

Silence syntax

Silences are inserted in the audio stream wherever a silence element is found in the XML input. TODO say something about how the silence placement determined. The syntax is like the anchor syntax: <silence dur="4.2s"/> or <silence dur="100ms"/>. Like anchors, silence elements can be inserted anywhere.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<read-along version="1.0"> <text xml:lang="eng"> <body>
    <silence dur="1s"/>
    <div type="page">
        <silence dur="10s"/>
        <s>After this pregnant pause, <silence dur="100ms"/> we'll pause
           again before it's all over!</s>
    <silence dur="1s"/>
</body> </text> </read-along>

Silence use cases

  1. Your read along has a title page that is not read out in the audio stream: insert a silence at the beginning so that it stays on the first page for the specified time. TODO: test that a silence before the first word really keeps the RA on the first page during that silence, even if all text on the first page is DNA.
  2. Your read along has a credits page at the end that is not read out in the audio stream: insert a silence at the end so that people see that credits page for the specified time before the streaming end. TODO: also test that this use case works as described.